Must Know -     St. Patrick's Day --  Features and Historical Facts

Green colour Importantace

According to Celtic folklore, Leprechauns were male fairies. They were mainly depicted as small old men, dressed in Green.

A small old men, dressed in green colour  called Leprechauns

According to Celtic folklore, Leprechauns were male fairies. They were mainly depicted as small old men, dressed in red (later changed to green).

The color green symbolizes hope, good luck, and the beautiful Irish countryside

The color green symbolizes hope, good luck, and the beautiful Irish countryside

Celebrations generally involve  festivals,  and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks

Celebrations involve public parades and festivals.

People even serve the Foods in plates and green Cups

People even put the sign of three leaves on foods Â

The three leaves stand for the three beings of God, and the stem shows how they are united into one